Thursday, July 23, 2015

Intern that caught my attention

I have gone through and guiding quite a number of intern students. But the intern that enter this month is really caught my attention. I have guide the intern for almost 2 weeks and what can I says so far is this person that I want to work with.

When I first saw this student, I am sorry to say that I have preconceptions about her. What comes into my mind is that :maybe just another student that just want to fulfill the industrial training requirement from university. Here, I would like to say sorry to you for have such prejudice on you.

After first several contact and guiding, I have started to change my point of view. I started to see my own shadow from the student (Sorry for my narcissism :P). I saw the student have the desire to learn and absorb as much as possible and I am able to get enormous feedback from the student where I barely get any feedback from others, I really enjoy receiving feedback so I have that enthusiasm to teach what I know to the student. (Friends who know me very well will know that I will not willing to teach anything when I barely get any respond or feedback from my student). Secondly, the student is just like a sponge that able to absorb what I taught and able to recall back when I ask. This is actually shock me, her learning ability have exceed my expectation.

After some days, I only found out that she is actually my sister schoolmate. What a small world we all are living at. LOL!!! After that, more and more common interest are found out and feeling like we are more like senior and junior instead of supervisor and "supervisee". However, sad case is that its just an intern, it would be glad if we are colleague as working with person that have the similar behavior with you will definitely have mutual benefit. 

I hope that after ended of your internship, we are able to continue as friend and also mentor to each other as I can see I am able to learn quite a number of new things from you (such as drugs, haha). Furthermore, we can share and discuss our common interest that unable to tell you during office hours. Last but not least, I am feeling happy that able to pass my related knowledge to you and feeling proud that I met a friend like you.

Let's keep in touch and wish you all the best in your study and future undertaking. You are welcome to find me or ask for help if you facing any problem. Cheers. :)

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