Monday, October 1, 2012

Countdown & Stress

I am now counting down that how many days left before I moved back to unemployed group again. Some of peoples beside me will say that how come I so fast decide to resign. I really wanted to explain but no one can understand the peoples, environment, equipment and etc.. Today I just get mad by an email from senior which want me to give her something that is really tough. I just hope that I will not quarrel with her in this month. Besides that, even though I have already live in KL for one month but I really don't like the lifestyle in here. Maybe I am more suitable to work in small town rather than big city.

During this month, I will say that I will try my best to find a job. At least now I can see how big is the difference in my mind on hows work looks like to me when I am still studying compare to now. During degree life, I still able to trust my friends. Now working, I can't trust any new friends that I meet. You won't know whether that person will betray you or not. Now when I got problem want to ask senior, they are like afraid we know more than them. Haiz

Sometimes when I got this kind of problem, I don't know how should I tell and who should I tell. Anyway, I just hope I can spend this month as smooth as possible.

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