Saturday, December 3, 2011


Well, its December again, the last month for every year. Perhaps got a lot of people is planning for vacation as well as preparing for Christmas. For me, is the rush hour for my FYP, final and also review of the year.

However, this time I change my way to arrange my time. By avoiding giving too much pressure to myself like previous semester where I almost unable to control my emotion. Dear, thank you, after go KL and visit you, you give me a very strong message that I need to take care of myself so that I able to take care of you in the future. I also know that during previous semester you worry I unable to take care of my health due to extremely high pressure I put on to myself. I apologize for that. For the FYP, I know you worry that I might not have enough time to write my thesis and keep on asking me. I can feel your care and I will make the time to finish my thesis. Once again, thanks a lot for giving me mentally support and your caring is so warm to me. I  promise that I will try my very best for my final as well as my FYP. Same to you. ^^

For my friends, let's try our best in the final and give our best for our FYP. Gambateh! Hwating! ^.^

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